Uskovnica Alpine Hut



– Altitude: 1154 m

– Access from Srednja vas (1 h) or Stara Fužina (1.5 hrs), from Rudno polje past Razpotje (1 h) or from

Goreljek over Praprotnica pasture (2 hrs)

– Mobile phone: 00386 (0)31 341 814

Room price list

Price list of food and bevarage


Uskovnica alpine hut is the holder of the green key certifiate.
Green Key is an international eco-label awarded to accommodations and other hospitality facilities that commit to sustainable business practices It aims to Increase the use of environmentally friendly and sustainable practices. It focuses on environmental management, technical demands and initiatives for the involvement of guests, staff and suppliers.

It holds strict criteria across different categories and we thrive to implement its sustainable philospohy into our family run business.

Weinviteyou to helpreducingtheelectricalenergyandwater, whilemaintainingsustainablepracticesandresponsiblebehavior.

Forus, thatimplies:

  • Commitment to set anelectricalbicyclescharger
  • Locallyproducedvegetablesandfruits
  • Commitmentforactiveinvolvementintoenviroment polic withlocalauthorities
  • Callforconducting in accordancewithmountainethical codex
