One of the oldest known alpine associations that have provided assistance and services to mountaineers and hikers on their hiking tours in the Triglav mountain range for many decades is the Srednja vas v Bohinju Alpine Association. The association owns
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Mountain Huts
The Srednja vas in Bohinj Alpine Association owns and manages 4 alpine posts: Alpine Hut under Bogatin – Kraj pasture (1513 m), Vodnikov dom na Velem polju Alpine Hut (1817 m), Alpine Hut on Uskovnica (1154 m), Alpine Hut on
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Association President:Jakob ZUPANC 041 915 542 Association Master: Alojz JERŠIČ 041 635 328 Secretary: Kati CVETEK 031 341 821 E-mail: pd-srvas@siol.net
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